Monday, January 25, 2016

Tae Kim's Japanese Grammar Lesson 1 Exercises

I almost missed the lesson exercises since the link was at the top of the page before the actual lesson and not at the bottom after it, which is when you would normally do the drills to practice what you've learned. (App design flaw? Hmm...) Anyway, I imagine the exercises would be rather hard for someone who can't read kanji or hiragana, so I'm going to write it in romaji.

But first, some additional vocabulary words:
  1. 大人 - otona - adult
  2. 子供 - kodomo - child
  3. 車 - kuruma - car
  4. 先生 - sensei - teacher
  5. 学校 - gakkou - school
  6. 小学校 - shougakkou - elementary school
  7. 中学校 - chuugakkou - middle school
  8. 高校 - koukou - high school
  9. 大学 - daigaku - college
(Note: I'm only adding kanji to my list of vocabulary words. There are still other vocabulary words in this lesson, but they're in hiragana such as "sore", "kore", etc.)

Conjugation Exercise 1

sore (that)
declarative = sore da (is that)
negative = sore janai (is not that)
past = sore datta (was that)
negative-past = sore janakatta (was not that)

otona (adult)
declarative = otona da (is adult)
negative = otona janai (is not adult)
past = otona datta (was adult)
negative-past = otona janakatta (was not adult)

gakkou (school)
declarative = gakkou da (is school)
negative = gakkou janai (is not school)
past = gakkou datta (was school)
negative-past =gakkou janakatta (was not school)

tomodachi (friend)
declarative = tomodachi da (is friend)
negative = tomodachi janai (is not friend)
past = tomodachi datta (was friend)
negative-past = tomodachi janakatta (was not friend)

gakusei (student)
declarative = gakusei da (is student)
negative = gakusei janai (is not student)
past = gakusei datta (was student)
negative-past = gakusei janakatta (was not student)

Conjugation Exercise 2

  1. Is college. = Daigaku da.
  2. Is not high school. = Koukou janai.
  3. Was teacher. = Sensei datta.
  4. Is adult. = Otona da.
  5. Was not child. = Kodomo janakatta.
  6. This was the way it was. = Kou datta.
  7. Wasn't that over there. = Are janakatta.
  8. Is not middle school. = Chuugakusei janai.
  9. Is friend. = Tomodachi da.
  10. Was not car. = Kuruma janakatta.
  11. Was this. = Kore datta.
  12. That's not the way it it. = Sou janai.

Question Answer Exercise

Q1) Tomodachi? - Is friend?
A1) Un, tomodachi. - Yes, is friend.

Q2) Gakkou? - Is school?
A2) Uun,  gakkou janai. - No, is not school.

Q3) Sore datta? - Was this?
A3) Uun, sore ja nakatta. - No, was not this.

Q4) Sou? - Things are that way?
A4) Un, sou da. - Yes, things are that way.

Q5) Kore? - This?
A5) Uun, Sore janai. - No, is not that.

Q6) Sensei datta? - Was teacher?
A6) Un, sensei datta. - Yes, was teacher.

Q7) Shougakkou datta? - Was elementary school?
A7) Uun, shougakkou janakatta. - No, was not elementary school.

Q8) Kodomo? - Is child?
A8) Un, kodomo. - Yes, is child.

(Please note that all sentences have been translated literally without the use of articles "a", "an" and "the" which do not exist in Japanese. Tae Kim assures us that learning Japanese grammar from a Japanese person's point of view, not an English-speaking person's point of view, is more effective in building a strong language foundation.)

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